
Chuck knueve, pHarm.d. author
the back cover story
Dean’s health deteriorated slowly because of a tiny intruder in his brain. For years, the little beast caused subtle damage by sending harmful messages throughout his body. Salvation came on an autumn afternoon when surgeons removed the culprit. Surgery corrected the problem, but the real battle is the long, grueling fight against the disease’s lingering effects. Dean continues to fight for the quality of his life as his smile radiates the scars of his surviving spirit.
Join a Doctor of Pharmacy as he retrospectively reviews his son’s long and challenging journey to obtain a diagnosis of Cushing’s disease. This compelling narrative is framed against the backdrop of clinical guidelines developed by leading endocrinologists from the United States and the United Kingdom.
This book is for you. To some, IT MAY BE A SURVIVAL GUIDE; OTHERS, a companion on a difficult journey. Many will find hope, peace, comfort, and answers within its pages. Let’s take this journey together with monthly updates with my progress and insights. Plus, you will be the first notified of the official publication date.
Surviving Cushing's Disease
A Young Man's Journey
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